Scientists & Teachers Engaging in Professional Development with University Personnel

The STEPD-UP program aims to help educators and building leaders have access to resources that will lower observed achievement gaps and ensure the success of students in the 21st Century. Our STEM depot will ensure that educators have access to state of the art materials to ensure that lessons focus on the development of real-world skills. The depot can be consider a warehouse of sorts, and is both digital and material focused.
A link to our Google Drive Files used during our PD can be found here:
Program Rationale
The STEPD-UP program trains teachers to think like scientists and provides the tools and knowledge to create lessons of emerging relevance that aim to target the next generation of Computer Science and STEAM minded students in the workforce. The BUFSD recognizes that inspired, informed, and engaged teachers are one of the most important school-related factors influencing student achievement. As a result, the BUFSD understands that quality professional learning opportunities and scaffolds for school staff are essential for keeping administrators and teachers focused on delivering evidence and research-based best practices. To successfully implement the new NYS Digital Fluency Standards, teachers at all levels will need to learn a great deal and to change their perspectives on what it means to “be digitally literate.”
Evidence Based Tools
Following Richards-Tutor et al. (2016) our program implements the K-12 Standards in a modular based approach and we relate these to four key recommendations related to academic instruction for ELLs: (1) we provide students the opportunity to develop academic oral language while simultaneously teaching literacy and other content areas, (2) teach vocabulary across content areas, (3) provide instruction and/or instructional support in the primary language as needed, and (4) provide appropriate interventions for ELs who need support beyond Tier 1 instruction. STEPD-UP also provides an overview of how to meet the needs of Students with Disabilities. Included in our training Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Response to Intervention (RtI), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and Assistive Technology (AT), as well as research-based instructional practices for students with all levels of disabilities. It is our goal that all educators have the tools to educate all students.


Scientific Practices

Matter and Energy Transfer

Project Based Learning
A key to future STEM careers and leaders...
By directly incorporating local businesses and individuals practicing in science and technology fields, our program works to promote sought after job related skills such as: Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Teamwork Skills, Leadership Skills and Computer/Information Technology Skills. Additionally, educators will see firsthand what job-specific skills are needed in industry. The infusion of the new standards at every level of our program ensures that we are providing students with best practices for learning.